Galway International Justin Ryan
Mayo Young Driver Championship Winner News Update
Galway International Rally Report
Eighteen year old Justin Ryan from Headford drove superbly to finish the Junior section of the Galway International Rally in a credible eighth overall. Justin who had never competed on a rally before took to it like a duck to water.It was an early start on Sunday morning for Justin and father John who was navigating in their blue Honda Civic. The pair were taking part in the Junior event which utilised the six stages that made up the Sunday loop of the rally.
It was a bad start unfortunately, as a delay on the start of the first stage saw them waiting over a half and hour to get underway. This was not good for the nerves! Finally as the stage was given the all clear Justin got the count down from his father and the pair started the experience of a life time. As this was his first time driving on a tarmac stage Justin was obviously nervous and took his time to bed into the car. With John shouting the notes Justin managed to complete the stage with no mishaps. When he reached the end of the stage he had a big smile on his face and was thoroughly enjoying the experience. “Once I got past the first corner I was away!”

However the smile would be wiped off his face on the second stage. As they started the stage Justin began to push gaining confidence in himself and the car with every kilometer. Justin takes up the story “ After about two kilometers into the stage dad called a note “200 two right over crest”. I took it flat out. Big mistake! The car became airborne and landed sideways. I just remember seeing the spectators running! We were heading towards the wall when luckily the car straightened up and we continued if only a bit slower!” A big moment certainly. The wind seemed to be knocked out of Justin’s sails as he was caught on the stage by Colm King from Tuam. Justin pulled over and Colm sped past in his Ford Escort. The moments were coming thick and fast for the pair. As Colm disappeared into the distance Justin returned to his previous rhythm. Without warning he rounded a square right to find Colm blocking the road after hitting a tree stump. Justin jammed on the brakes and slid wide hitting the bank “I thought it was all over. We hit the bank with a bang and I thought we were finished” The Civic was made of tougher stuff and shrugged off the assault with the bank.
The pair completed the rally relatively trouble free and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Justin commented at the finish “ It was the best experience of my life! A pure adrenaline buzz, I was surprised at how easy it was to drive at speed in a controlled environment. I am now completely hooked cant wait for the next event”Justin’s next rally will be his home event the Mayo Stages Rally 2010. This years event is based in Claremorris and will take place on the 14th of March.Justin would like to thank his sponsors M&R Motors Shrule, West Tyre Ballinrobe, his parents and his aunt Wini for all there support, also all his friends and anyone who were out on the stages supporting him on the day.