Alan Moran receives Western People Sports Star Award for Motorsport

Alan Moran, Foxford (Motor Sport Award Winner) pictured with Mayo and District Motor Sport Club officers,  Kathleen Kennedy, sec; Andy Walsh PRO and Matthew Murphy, Chairman, at Western People 46th Annual Mayo Sports Stars Awards in Association with Ballina Beverages Gala Presentation Banquet in Hotel Ballina 19 Feb 2016. Photo: © Michael Donnelly

Alan Moran, Foxford (Motor Sport Award Winner) pictured with Mayo and District Motor Sport Club officers,  Kathleen Kennedy, sec; Andy Walsh PRO and Matthew Murphy, Chairman, at Western People 46th Annual Mayo Sports Stars Awards in Association with Ballina Beverages Gala Presentation Banquet in Hotel Ballina 19 Feb 2016. Photo: © Michael Donnelly

James McGreal at Birr Stages Rally

Wet conditions greeted James McGreal & Chris Mitchel as they brought their recently acquired Mitsubishi Evo 6 out for a run at Birr Stages Rally to blow off any cobwebs before their home event Mayo Stages Rally next weekend.
The pair had a good run out in the ex Andrew Stewart car, despite the wet & mucky conditions making the stages based around Borris-in-Ossory treacherous at times.
Overcoming gearbox gremlins heading into the last loop, the pair finished the event third in Class 15 and 44th overall
Donagh Kelly put in masterful performance to retain the Birr Stages Rally title in his Ford Focus WRC.


Seeded Entry List now available

Click on the tab:


Download the Mayo Stages Rally 2016

Entry List

Mayo Stages Rally 2016 Time & Distance Schedule now available

Click on the link to download:

Time & Distance 2016_v2.6



Download the Stages Rally 2016

Time and Distance Schedule

“Start your engines”, Mayo Stages Rally Launched

The countdown to the 2016 Hotel Ballina – Kennedy Motors Mayo Stages Rally is firmly underway following a successful launch at Hotel Ballina, headquarters for the March 6th event.  A large crowd was in attendance on Thursday night last to hear information about this year’s rally from a selection of speakers, including Clerk of the Course David Breen and Chairman of Mayo & District Motorsport Club Matthew Murphy, who thanked all the sponsors who have made the running of the 2016 Mayo Stages Rally possible.

Among those attending was Andrew Mullen, sponsor of the Sligo Pallets Border Rally Championship, of which the Mayo Stages is the opening round, Brendan Flynn representing the Border Rally Championships and Triton Rally Championship and Art McCarrick, Sports Development Officer from Motorsport Ireland. Local representatives included members of An Garda Síochána, members of Ballina Chamber of Commerce, local county councillors and representatives from all the event sponsors.

With two weeks to go Mayo & District Motorsport Club reports that entries are near capacity with WRC numbers in double figures. Seeding takes place on Friday 26th February and an entry list will be available on thereafter.

 Continuing on from the success of previous year’s in Ballina Town Centre the Rally festival with an array of entertainment returns on the Saturday evening. This takes place in the Market Square featuring RSA Road Safety display, Rally School Ireland display, static car display and a parade of Rally cars along with much more family entertainment.

 For spectators intending to visit the rally on March 6th, plenty of time should be allowed to get to the stages to park and find a safe viewing location, as some of the stages have only limited access. Always obey the marshals and follow their instructions, as they are there to ensure that everyone has a safe day’s rallying. A Rally Programme with a detailed map will be available to purchase in the area on the days leading up to the event.

The 2016 Mayo Stages Rally is continuing the high standard of previous years with news and information available to rally fans. In order to keep competitors and spectators as informed and up-to-date as possible, Mayo & District Motorsport Club utilizes a range of communication tools in the build up to, and during rally week-end. The Club is already providing regular updates via its Twitter, Facebook and Periscope accounts – MayoMotorClub. Also event information is available on the clubs website On the Sunday of the event when the rally itself roars into action, regular live updates and interviews will be broadcast on Mid West Radio’s Sunday Sports Show. & 96.1fm

Pics credit Michael Donnelly

The official launch of the 2016 Hotel Ballina – Kennedy Motors Mayo Stages Rally takes place next Thursday, February 18th in Hotel Ballina at 8pm. There will be a display of rally cars on show outside the hotel and photographs will be taken with sponsors, rally championship representatives and the organising committee, along with guest speakers on the evening. The launch is open to the public and everybody is invited to come along to get into the Rally mood, ahead of the event which takes place on Sunday 6th of March.

2016 Mayo Loose Surface Autocross Announcement

Due to circumstances beyond our control, Mayo & District Motorsport Club are unable to run the following classes at our Harrington’s Quarry venue for the upcoming 2016 Autocross season.

Class 6. Car Engined Specials

Class 7. Motorcycle Engined Specials including Buggies

We apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause competitors, and we appreciate your understanding.

Further details regarding National Championship Round on July 24th to follow.

Our Loose Surface dates for 2016 are;

May 8th – June 12th – July 24th – August 21st


National School Road Safety Day

Mayo & District Motorsport Club organised a very successful event for the local school children of Killala National School and Newtownwhite Educate Together National School at Lacken Enterprise Centre, Killala on Friday last. Both schools are situated close to the stages on this year’s Hotel Ballina and Kennedy Motors Mayo Stages Rally which takes place on March 6th.

Presented by rally co-driver Killian Duffy and Maggie Bonner who is also Road Safety Officer for Mayo & District Motorsport Club, together with other members from the motorclub, and in co-operation with the R.S.A (Road Safety Authority), Mayo County Council, Bus Eireann and An Garda Siochana, the event provided the school children with a special opportunity to learn first hand about general road safety and the safety measures that are in place to run a rally, as well as a demonstration of safety equipment on board a current rally car. The presentation was very well received with lots of questions and much excitement about the forthcoming rally.

This is the fourth year that Mayo & District Motorsport Club has undertaken an initiative to highlight to local schoolchildren in the vicinity of the rally the importance of safety both at rallies and on our roads, and it has proven to be an excellent opportunity to teach the younger generation the essentials of being safe on the roads in a fun and memorable way.

Photos Michael Donnelly

<span class="light">Lacken</span> Cross  Road safety Day

Road Safety Roadshow

A hard-hitting road safety message was delivered to over 1000 teenagers at the Royal Theatre in Castlebar, Co Mayo on Wednesday last, when they viewed the AXA Insurance award-winning Road Safety Roadshow. The event was organised in conjunction with Mayo County Council, An Garda Siochana and the local emergency services.

Before the Roadshow began a boisterous crowd of transition and senior year students hustled their way to their seats in the Theatre. But it wasn’t too long before a silence fell on the room.

The show graphically depicts how a night out ends in tragedy for a teenager after a road traffic accident. The story was told by a Garda officer, a paramedic, a fire officer, an emergency consultant, an undertaker, a mother of a victim and Richard Alcorn from Donegal, who was paralysed following a road traffic collision a number of years ago. Richard has lost a number of friends in road traffic collisions and is keen to help deliver the road safety message to others in the country.

The narrative was interspersed with music, video clips and television advertisements.

Speaking after the event, Noel Gibbons, Road Safety Officer, Mayo County Council said, “The Road Safety Roadshow continues to be a major success. It allows us to deliver a hard hitting and high impact road safety message to thousands of young people in the highest risk group. I have no doubt that the Roadshow shocks, perhaps even horrifies our young audiences and make no apology for that. The show realistically illustrates what happens all too often on our roads. I hope that after seeing the Roadshow the students understand that they are not indestructible; that it can and does happen to young people like them; and they must respect the roads and other users.”

Incorporating FIA’s (Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile) Action for Road safety’s 10 Golden Rules for Safer Motoring and Motorsport Ireland’s road safety initiative, Keep The Race In Its Place, which is supported by the Road Safety Authority (RSA) and aimed at young drivers, Mayo’s Club Road Safety Officer Maggie Bonner and several members from the Motorclub , were on hand at the Roadshow to demonstrate how a rally car differs from a road car and to show the level of safety protection used in motorsport.

Speaking after the Roadshow, Maggie said: “Our sport wants to do everything that it can to help spread the message about safe driving. Irish efforts to improve road safety have been most impressive. But we still believe that we can do more and that motorsport can help. We know that Ireland probably has one of the highest numbers of rallying fans than any other country in Europe, so it is vital that we engage with this group of young people at their level. We are delighted to support the Roadsafety Roadshow, which will take the safe driving message straight to the most important audience. It will show that if you love driving and you love motorsport, then you should respect the roads and drive safely.”